I don't have to tell you that thoudands of editors left Final cut for Media Composer 6 as soon as they realized apple took off the pro features from Final Cut X. Nothing you and I can do about it, as apple is making too much from poor suckers that line up for a $500 phone that is worthless without services for it LOL.īe carefull, I know the Final Cut X fiasco is just the begining as apple is trying to shake off the pro users from apple products.

Haven't looked at any mac stuff in a long time since everyone knows now for sure that apple will discontinue the Pro line mac's.

One thing to remember is Apple or better yet MOTU as they developed the Core Audio and Midi for OS X don't want to support VST on the mac that is why there are so many issues with VST's and VSTi's on OS X. The plugins issue is going to affect you very soon as you find out all the stuff being released here is not really working to well on the mac's or better (OSX) You are now a different OS which means different drivers, different issues, different configurations. Well I will give some advice, even though I would not touch a mac in a million years with all the apple killing support and ending products shananigans.